Libren Citty C passed EPTM test and is now an Elite mare

On November 21, 2019, Libren Citty C (BerlinxPlacido) took her final exam after her 7-week EPTM test at the KWPN center in Ermelo.
She passed with flying colors and received 76.5 points for her riding and jumping test. She even had an 8 for scope.
Libren was subsequently also included in the studbook and she participated in the Central Inspection. In the end, Libren Citty C was promoted to Elite mare! We are very happy with this result.

Jitty Kanterra has a new home in Morocco

After more than a month of quarantine, Jitty Kanterra C arrived on December 19 2019 at her new owner, Mr. Bernoussi in Morocco. She first faces a future as a show jumper and later perhaps breeding.