Parmante Citty C is born

On April 28 2020, Elite mare Libren Citty C (BerlinxPlacidoxRamiroxJoostxAgbar) gave us a filly by Hardrock Z (HeartbreakerxCarthago). Hardrock Z himself jumped Grand Prix at the Olympic Games and the World Cup. The ideal combination of the Heartbreaker and Berlin blood has been brought together in this filly.
The foal has been given the name Parmante Citty C and is sold to a Czech Grand Prix stable. She goes to the same stable as her now 2-year-old and promising niece Niene Citty C (UntouchablexKannanxLupicor).

Jayblue Citty C new owner and future in eventing

Jayblue Citty C (Zirocco BluexVingino) is since several months owned by a 16-year-old Danish rider. She has ridden international eventing competitions with her pony in the past and she hopes to be able to start in this discipline with Jayblue. This is not possible at this moment due to the Covid-19 measures, but they are already in training.

Future for Joyful Citty C in Sweden

Last half year Joyful Citty C (Numero UnoxPlacidoxRamiroxJoostxAbgar) was trained properly by a professional showjumping stable. Now he will continue his future in showjumping in Sweden.

Libren Citty C passed EPTM test and is now an Elite mare

On November 21, 2019, Libren Citty C (BerlinxPlacido) took her final exam after her 7-week EPTM test at the KWPN center in Ermelo.
She passed with flying colors and received 76.5 points for her riding and jumping test. She even had an 8 for scope.
Libren was subsequently also included in the studbook and she participated in the Central Inspection. In the end, Libren Citty C was promoted to Elite mare! We are very happy with this result.

Jitty Kanterra has a new home in Morocco

After more than a month of quarantine, Jitty Kanterra C arrived on December 19 2019 at her new owner, Mr. Bernoussi in Morocco. She first faces a future as a show jumper and later perhaps breeding.

Cavenna Citty CZ has found new owners in Germany

Our 2-year-old Cavenna Citty CZ (Cicero ZxVingino) has found a new home. This beautiful mare, of which we have great expectations, will get the chance to develop in Germany with the Dietterle brothers. We hope to see her again in a few years at the show jumping tournaments.

Libren Citty C

We present our youngest brood mare Libren Citty C. Libren is a 3 year old mare by BerlinxPlacidoxRamiroxJoostxAbgar. She has already the DOC-predikcate. Libren is in foal for 2020 from her first foal by Hardrock Z.

All 3 foals selected for an auction

Our filly from Gaspahr and Jitty Kanterra (by Kannan) is selected for the Limburg Foal Auction. Cincero Citty CZ (Cicero ZxDitty Dante C/Vingino) will also be auctioned. This colt is selected for the Elite Foal Auction Borculo.
Our third foal Cella Citty CZ, a Cicero Z filly from Vitty Valente C (by Placido) has shown herself tremendously well at the Z-Festival and she is selected to be auctioned in Zangersheide.

Cella Citty CZ in finals at Z-Festival Lanaken

Friday 26 July 2019 was a successful day for our stud. The beautiful, electric Cella Citty CZ (Cicero ZxPlacido) was allowed to present herself at the Z-Festival. She showed herself well and was allowed to participate in the final and later come back for the end final in which she reached a great 7th place. She was the youngest foal of her group. Now we have to wait to see if she is also selected to go to a Z-auction.

Filly for Jitty Kanterra C

On June 23 Orange Citty C was born. This filly is a daughter by Gaspahr (BerlinxTangelo van de Zuuthoeve)xKannanxLupicorxRamiroxJoostxAbgar.