Fitty Firenze C alias Fifty Fifty loopt haar eerste oefenparcoursen
Onlangs is Fitty Firenze C alias Fifty Fifty uitgebracht in de eerste oefenparcoursen. Ze pakt het werk goed op. Marcel Beukers is haar vaste ruiter. Hierbij een fimpje van een van haar eerste wedstrijdjes.
Three foals playing around Jazou-Jayblue-Joyful
Our youngest foals Jazou C (CanabisxAhorn ZxVoltaire) and Jayblue Citty C (Zirocco BluexVinginoxLupicor) are playing in the field. Ofcourse Joyful Citty C (Numero UnoxPlacidoxRamiro) has to play with them. With a click at the link below, the video opens.
Click here foals playing Numero Uno, Zirocco Blue en Canabis
Cincitty C is performing very well with his rider Henrick von Eckermann
In December 2013, Cincitty C (Numero Uno x Ramiro), youngest son of Citty, competed at a tournament in Damme, Germany. Cincitty jumped a clear round with his rider Henrick von Eckermann. You can watch a video here.
Evitty Zidante C competes in her first tournaments
Recently the 4 year old Evitty Zidante C (x Zidane Vitty Valente C) competed in her first tournaments. Like her halfbrother Concetto, also she is sold as she was a foal to Belgium. Under Stefan Pauw she has recently jumped in Azelhof. Here a movie.